HENRYK ANZULEWICZ, Aristoteles’ „Physikˮ bei Albertus Magnus. Aneignung, Interpretation, Transformation

Tom XXIV: 2018

Filozofia — Teologia— Kultura duchowa średniowiecza
ISSN 0860-0015
e-ISSN 2544-1000


This essay portrays the origins of Albertus Magnus’s appropriations of Aristotle’s Physics, and focuses on his initial decontextualised theological uses, as well as his later contextualised philosophical interpretations and transformations. It elucidates the role of some key external conditions for this epistemic caesura in Albert, highlighting the wider context of these two hermeneutically different modes of appropriating Aristotle’s littera. In particular, the essay underlines the reciprocal transformations of the sources and their proposed ideals in light of the two examples of (1) Albert’s integration of some philosophemes from Aristotle’s Physics into his moral theology, and (2) the concept of matter in Albert’s doctrine of creation. Its purpose is to highlight the special position of Albert’s commentary on the Physics in his scientific system and some of its unique features.