IULIA SZÉKELY, Intellectual Practices at the Prague University in the Fifteenth Century. Notes on the Quodlibet by Jan Arsen de Langenfeld (c. 1400)

Tom XXIV: 2018

Filozofia — Teologia— Kultura duchowa średniowiecza
ISSN 0860-0015
e-ISSN 2544-1000


This article proposes an insight into the quodlibetical disputations that took place at the beginning of the 15th century at the University of Prague. At times, the topics of these disputations reflect the views against the Catholic Church that Jan Hus and other masters were exploring at that time. The current article edits and examines two questions taken from the manual of Jan Arsen of Langenfeld, a German Master of Arts from the University of Prague University. These questions were conceived for the disputations that he led around 1400 and provided an interpretation of the propositions extracted from or inspired by the Book of Causes. A thorough analysis of the sources and influences of these questions show that arguments and phrases circulated from one Master to another, from one quodlibetal disputation to another, hence consolidating a specific philosophical and theological tradition.