OLIVIER BOULNOIS, Use and domination. From Wyclif to John Locke

Tom XXIV: 2018

Filozofia — Teologia— Kultura duchowa średniowiecza
ISSN 0860-0015
e-ISSN 2544-1000


Within the work of Wyclif, two concepts occupy an important place, namely those of use and domination. This paper traces the origin of these two concepts in scholasticism. For this purpose, I first examine the second argument of poverty, formally determined by the Council of Constance, in the 15th century; then the theory of dominium in Spanish scholasticism of the 16th century, with the problem of the rights of Indians; then I show its enduring posterity, surviving even in Locke’s work. Finally, I reflect on the conditions of the use of the world.