AGNIESZKA BIEGALSKA, Moral Evil in Existential Thomism by Mieczysław A. Krąpiec. A Metaphysical Perspective

Tom XXVII: 2021

Filozofia — Teologia— Kultura duchowa średniowiecza
ISSN 0860-0015
e-ISSN 2544-1000


The sense of evil in the world encourages debate on its objective existence. Attempts to grasp the phenomenon of evil are undertaken in a number of intellectual perspectives, including metaphysical, epistemological and axiological investigations within the field of philosophy. The thought of Mieczysław A. Krąpiec constitutes an attempt to derive conclusions in the discourse on evil, in order to answer the question of the presence of metaphysical, physical and moral evil in the world. This paper quite ambitiously aims to present the essence of Krąpiec’s views on moral evil. An analysis of these views seems crucial due to their considerable impact on Polish existential Thomism.